August 28, 2018 10:15 am
Published by Sasha de Beausset
With a lot of issues occurring in the world right now such as worrying about economy, you shouldn’t need to be panicking about looking after what you and your family eat. Busy lifestyles means we are less likely to spend time on ourselves including looking after our bodies through eating healthy. By following the steps below you can easily keep track of what you and your family are eating… on a budget.

But Eating Healthy Is Expensive, Isn’t It?
Not necessarily, there are a number of different ways in which watching what you eat and shopping at the right places can help you save money. I know the one question that loops in your mind right now is where you should begin. The starting point, and what I believe to be the most important, is to find out what eating healthy means to you. Whether that would be eating more vegetables, cutting down on meat or eating more fish, these personal goals will help shape your recipes and grocery list.
But What If I Have No Time To Cook Every Single Meal?
The only way to overcome this is to plan your meals in advance before and make sure they are flexible to fit around your schedule. Also work out which meals in your week are already accounted for, such as if you enjoy a big hearty bowl of cereal for breakfast or if you have to eat a premade meal in the evenings before going out.

If you’re going to try and feed your family for less you’d better start checking your fridges and cupboards. Find out what you have so you don’t have to spend more buying the same products and also check to see whatever you have isn’t expired or soon to expire. List down what you need and don’t just buy products because they are on sale, its still chucking money down the drain if no one eats them.
But What If I Can’t Decide On What To Eat?
Set aside some time to look through the cookbooks (can be picked up for cheap at local charity stores), or look online for recipes for the ingredients that are already lying about the house. Cooking in bulk is another way to help keep the costs down. But this doesn’t mean that you have cook an entire week’s meal. Remember, you can always cook portions of rice or pasta to add or prepare some fresh vegetables to eat alongside the already prepared protein portion. This is how you’ll save money and eat healthy!

Is There Anything Else I Can Do To Feed My Family For Less?
Eating seasonally is another way to ensure you remain in your budget and keep your family healthy. Apart from being able to eat and feed your family a variety of different foods (because eating the same food over and over is boring), you will also be able to ensure that the food you’re eating is fresh and hasn’t landed on your table from halfway across the world! Another thing to keep in mind is that seasonal vegetables and fruits are normally the cheapest. Also you can’t go wrong with coupons and discounts.
How Do I Make Sure I Buy The Freshest Vegetables?
The best place to shop for the freshest food is your local farmer’s market. Not only is the food normally fresher, but also they are free from additives and tend to last longer, wasting less and helping you stick to your financial targets. I always panic when I’m out shopping and end up buying things I don’t need. As mentioned earlier take a look around your kitchen, especially before you go shopping, and make a note of what you have. Then make a list of what you need to buy and stick to that list, don’t make any impulse buys while out shopping, they can be the quickest way to over spend and make you miss you targets.
Are There Any More Ways To Save Money When Out Shopping?
If you are buying rice or beans stick to buying them at the bulk bins. No, please don’t buy those drinks. I know they look tasty and all, but you have to remember they’re just sugary water jam-packed with gas to give you that “feeling” you think water, or infused water won’t give. Cutting out things like soda and processed juices will not only reap benefits for your health in the long term, but will also keep your wallet happy. If you fancy treating yourself, make herbal teas or try some fruit infused water recipes, because not only are they cheap and tasty, they’re also healthy for you.

This one is not technically something to do while out shopping, but growing your own food is one of the best ways to help save money. Growing your own vegetables and fruits will help you to significantly decrease your food bill. Remember to take into account what you have already in the kitchen because shopping smart and sticking to your budget are just great ways to help keep the costs down and they are also awesome ways to keep you and your family healthy and happy.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Sasha de Beausset